Copywriting Services

Leveraging the art of storytelling to create compelling content for businesses and brands—both online and in print—that not only reaches the targeted audience but actively engages the folks you want to hear from most.


Website Copy

Everything from product descriptions to FAQs to About pages to editorial-minded blogs and other original content.

Social Media Management

Authentic copy for Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and any other platforms appropriate to your brand.

Content Creation

Think: Compelling blog posts, sparkling lookbook copy, and engaging emails to hook (and keep!) clients.


Want someone else to be the grammar police, check for typos, and give your copy a final polish? You got it.


Clients include: Circa Lighting, Baybala, Marie Oliver, Urban Electric, Pappy & Company (via Ballyhoo + Co.), Old Rip Van Winkle (via Ballyhoo + Co.), Palmetto Bluff (via Sprouthouse), and Highlander Mountain House (via Ballyhoo + Co.), among others